Can I File a Lawsuit for Injuries and Accidents at a San Diego Beach? By Charles T. Hoge on June 29, 2024

Beach and coastline in Del Mar, CA

Every summer, people flock to Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, and Mission Beach for fun in the sun. The same can be said of Coronado Beach, Sunset Cliffs, Torrey Pines, and La Jolla Shores. But accidents can happen anywhere and when you least expect it. When these incidents are the result of negligence, it's crucial that you speak with a personal injury lawyer in San Diego about filing a legal claim.

Countless dangers are present at Southern California beaches, both in the water and the areas surrounding the beach. I'd like to discuss just some of the possible hazards at San Diego beaches.

If you or a loved one have been harmed in any of the situations outlined below, contact my law office today. The Hoge Law Firm can connect you with a proven accident lawyer in San Diego free of charge.


Empty lifeguard tower at a Torrey Pines State Beach

Negligence by San Diego Lifeguards

We expect lifeguards to watch out for our well-being. While stationed in a lifeguard tower, they can spot hazards in the water, dangerous currents that make swimming difficult, or save people in distress while out in the ocean.

Sadly, lifeguards can fail to provide beachgoers with proper protection. They may also fail to administer live-saving medical care. When lifeguards are inattentive or incapable of doing their jobs, an accident attorney can hold the city accountable.

Inexperienced Lifeguards on Duty

To become an ocean lifeguard, you need to apply and tryout for the position. According to requirements from California State Parks, applicants must have a valid CA driver's license, be in great physical health, and have good vision and hearing to detect those struggling in the water. There is also a swimming test, interview, and training process before you can become a lifeguard stationed at a California beach.

If a lifeguard was not properly screened, trained, or evaluated for the position, you could file a lawsuit against the state of California for their negligence in hiring an inexperienced or unqualified individual.

Lack of Lifeguards on Duty

Sometimes the problem isn't lifeguard inexperience but a total lack of supervision at the beach. When lifeguards are absent, beachgoers are on their own while out in the water. This can be disastrous and even deadly given the unpredictability of currents and the difficulty of swimming in turbulent open water.

When lifeguards are not stationed, there needs to be ample warning signs about the lack of lifeguards on duty. There should also be warnings about ocean and tide conditions that deter swimmers from taking risks. A failure to provide warnings or to have lifeguards stationed at major beaches can be grounds for a lawsuit.

Note that a lack of lifeguards on duty can also play a role in accidents involving swimming pools in San Diego.

A Fatal Drowning at La Jolla Cove

NBC 7 reported on an ultimately fatal drowning at La Jolla Cove in 2017 caused by a delayed lifeguard response. Subsequent litigation also noted insufficient signage about dangers to swimmers and snorkelers.

The victim suffered severe brain injuries during the near drowning due to oxygen deprivation. The drowning-related brain injury left him in a vegetative state for more than 10 months before he finally passed away in 2018. The surviving loved ones filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the City of San Diego for negligence.

When lifeguards are negligent in their duties, lives are at stake. Speak with an injury lawyer about what happened at the beach. You may be able to file a wrongful death or personal injury lawsuit to seek damages.


Life preserver attached to the back rail of a boat

Lack of Warning Signs at San Diego Beaches

We noted a lack of warning signs in the fatal drowning case above. Posting warnings about dangerous rip currents and waves is an important aspect of protecting all beachgoers. Even a sign that there is no lifeguard on duty could mean the difference between life and death.

When beaches lack warnings or visible signage about hazardous conditions, a premises liability lawyer in San Diego could hold the city liable for injuries or wrongful deaths.

Drowning Death of Teen at Mission Beach

Fox 5 San Diego reported on the fatal drowning of a teen at Mission Beach in 2022. The parents of the 18-year-old victim said that their son's death could have been prevented had lifeguards properly warned beachgoers about rip currents and dangerous swimming conditions. San Diego Fire-Rescue Department (SDFD) lifeguards were able to save one of the victim's friends, but low visibility and the strong currents made locating the drowned victim difficult.

You need to speak with a wrongful death or personal injury attorney when the city fails to post warning signs. The same can be said for when lifeguards or representatives of the SDFD fail to prevent beachgoers from swimming in deadly waters.

Water scooter without a rider in the ocean

Injuries Involving Boats and Water Vehicles

While at the beach, you'll likely notice plenty of motorboats, pontoon boats, and yachts further out in the water. There are also many individuals on Jet Skis or other kinds of personal watercraft. In fact, lifeguards and the coast guard sometimes use water scooters and sea scooters to assist with certain rescues.

The presence of these vehicles on the water could increase the chances of a boating accident. These injuries can be serious, leading to lacerations, broken bones, concussions, and other forms of trauma. Accidents with watercraft can also lead to drownings and asphyxiation.

When these kinds of boating-related injury accidents happen, the boat operator or driver of the water scooter are typically the liable party. The causes of such accidents range from intoxication to a total disregard for others in the water. Accident victims or the surviving loved ones can file a lawsuit citing the recklessness or inattention of the person operating the water vehicle at the time of the incident.

Personal Watercraft Accident at Mission Bay

Fox 5 San Diego reported on a teen who lost multiple fingers at Mission Bay Aquatic Center. The incident occurred in 2022 during a watersports camp as attendees were practicing wakeboarding. This involved the use of a Yamaha Wave Runner as the boat typically used for wakeboarding was unavailable due to maintenance. The counselor working with the 15-year-old accident survivor was not trained in the use or operation of personal watercraft.

The teen's parents filed a lawsuit against Mission Bay Aquatic Center, also naming YMCA of San Diego County and UC San Diego Recreation in their legal claim. As Fox 5 reported, this legal action seeks general and special damages to cover medical expenses as well as future loss of income as a result of the injuries.

Whether you were in a boat accident or an accident involving a personal watercraft, I recommend you reach out to an accident attorney. We can discuss if you have a strong personal injury case.


Paved path in Point Loma

Damaged Stairs, Walkways, and Structures Around San Diego Beaches

Injuries at the beach can occur outside the water. Some of these accidents could be just as dangerous and life-altering as well.

Many beaches have stairways, concrete ramps, and paved walkways to provide access to the sand and the shore. Poor maintenance of these structures could contribute to slips, trips, and falls. We've previously discussed damaged sidewalk lawsuits throughout San Diego, some of which have been filed in beach-adjacent communities like La Jolla and PB.

If you fell on slippery stairs or lost your footing on an uneven walkway by a beach, you should speak with an injury lawyer about what happened. The city could be liable for your injuries.

Sidewalks in Beach Communities Can Also Be Dangerous

Just how much can you earn for a sidewalk slip-and-fall injury?

CBS News 8 reported on a $4.5 million payout for a 2018 sidewalk injury in Pacific Beach. The raised section of sidewalk has been an issue for more than a decade. The accident caused a traumatic brain injury and a shattered shoulder.

Property owners and the city of San Diego can be held accountable. It's crucial to speak with an injury lawyer about what happened. Your accident claim could be worth more than you realize.

Person driving a car during sunset

Car Accidents Around San Diego Beaches

The risk of injury extends beyond the beach and its surrounding structures and walkways. On busy weekends, there's an increased risk of motor vehicle collisions. Any sort of traffic-related crash can lead to catastrophic injuries with long-term repercussions.

Whether you were sideswiped on Interstate 8 or rear-ended by a drunk driver on Mission Boulevard, an accident lawyer can help you receive compensation.

A Note on Rideshare Vehicle Crashes

Rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft have helped people get around safely for many years now. It's a smart way to prevent drunk driving accidents or to simply avoid the hassle of parking in crowded places like beaches. Yet accidents can happen even with a careful 5-star rideshare driver.

If you've experienced serious injuries in a car crash involving an Uber or Lyft, an accident attorney can hold the negligent party accountable.

Keep in mind that you can file an accident claim if you were a passenger in a rideshare vehicle at the time of a collision or if you were in another vehicle and got hit by a negligent rideshare driver.

Accidents Involving Pedestrian and Bicyclists at Beaches

There are so many people who visit San Diego's beaches that we need to speak about hit-and-run accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists. Serious car accidents and collisions with trucks can occur, even if the victims are in well-marked crosswalks or designated bike lanes.

By speaking with an accident lawyer who's handled bicycle accident cases or lawsuits involving injured pedestrians, you can discuss the severity of your injuries. They can tabulate the total cost of your pedestrian or bike accident claim and help you seek damages from negligent drivers.


Woman walking her bicycle on the beach

What Hoge Law Firm Can Offer You

My San Diego law office offers a number of important advantages to people throughout Southern California. Many of these benefits to clients are thanks to my years practicing law.

Free Legal Consultations

Every initial consultation is free of charge. You do not have to pay anything to speak with an attorney about what happened.

During the consultation, you can learn if you have an injury claim worth pursuing and what steps you can take next to seek compensation for the harm you've experienced.

The ability to speak with an attorney without any upfront fees or obligation reduces the financial pressure on people who've been hurt and traumatized by what they experienced.

Connection to a Vetted San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer

I will reach out to trusted and proven colleagues who focus on personal injury law and accident litigation.

These personal injury lawyers have the legal credentials and the track record in accident cases to help you get results.

Your accident lawyer can review your medical bills, hospitalization time, and other losses from your injuries at the beach to help you maximize your compensation. Your injury attorney can also communicate with insurance companies to ensure any settlement offers are fair and reflect the full scope of what you've experienced.

No Legal Fees Unless Your Attorney Can Win You Money

At Hoge Law Firm, your personal injury attorney will charge you nothing unless they can successfully settle your case or win in court.
If your lawyer cannot secure any compensation for you, you do not have to pay a dime.

Some law firms will charge hourly fees for their legal services, which can be quite expensive. Contingency fee representation means you have nothing to lose by setting up a case review with Hoge Law Firm.

Hoge Law Firm office in San Diego

Injured at a San Diego Beach?
Get in Touch With Our Law Firm

Take the first step in seeking restitution for a serious injury or a tragic loss. To set up a free, no-obligation consultation, contact our San Diego law office today. We are ready to offer guidance filing a personal injury claim, and we can walk you through the legal process.



Charles T. Hoge

About Charles T. Hoge
Charles T. Hoge has practiced law since 1983. He opened his own firm in Downtown La Jolla in 2016. The Hoge Law Firm has been recognized by both U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers as a leading practice for commercial litigation and employment law.

Read Mr. Hoge's Full Bio | All Posts by Mr. Hoge

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