Hoge Law Firm

I Got Injured at a Snapdragon Stadium Event: Can I File a Lawsuit?

Sep 2, 2024 @ 12:00 PM — by Charles T. Hoge
Tagged with: Personal Injury Premises Liability

Snapdragon Stadium is home to many popular sporting events, like San Diego State Aztec football games and international soccer and rugby matches. Directly outside of the stadium is Thrive Park, which is now used for the increasingly popular Tequila and Taco Music Festival.

If you were harmed in the stadium, at the park, or even on your way to either, read this blog post to understand your legal options. You may want to speak with a San Diego personal injury lawyer about filing a lawsuit.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents at Snapdragon Stadium

Slip, trip, and fall lawsuits are a type of personal injury claim governed by premises liability law. Essentially, the owners of Snapdragon Stadium have a legal duty to maintain safe conditions for all attendees of any event. If they fail to do so, they are liable in a slip and fall case.

Here are some potential causes of action in winning slip and fall cases.

Lack of Signage

Snapdragon management has a duty to post clear and easily visible signage identifying any potential hazards for attendees. This can include signs indicating a wet floor or damaged walkways. Failing to do so makes them liable for your slip and fall.

Deficient Boundaries

Snapdragon Stadium is a 35,000-person capacity venue. As the stadium’s seats rise high above ground level, attendees in higher sections are at a heightened risk of dangerous falls. If you fell because the stadium did not maintain adequate safety measures, reach out to me.

Extreme Heat Can Be Grounds for a Lawsuit

In recent years, San Diegans have been complaining of rising temperatures. Of course, these temperatures are not going to deter people from enjoying all the city has to offer. Unfortunately, this leads to a number of heat-related injuries.

Heat-Related Medical Issues at 2022 SDSU Game

In SDSU’s first home football game of 2022, with temperatures rising over 100 degrees. KUSI News reported that attendees made almost 200 medical requests as a result of the overwhelming and scorching sun.

The heat-related injuries were made worse by the fact that Snapdragon Stadium had no canopy and almost no shaded areas of any kind. If you suffered a heat-based incident, we can look into the property owner’s liability. We may also be able to explore a lawsuit if your request for medical help did not result in a sufficiently prompt response.

What Can You Be Compensated For?

Because California is a pure comparative negligence state, you can receive compensation in a civil case even if your behavior was not perfect. This compensation can include:


Awful Traffic Accidents Lead to Winning Cases

In July of 2023, CBS8 reported on the awful traffic conditions that continue to plague Snapdragon Stadium visitors. Some attendees of the Gold Cup Semi-Final soccer match sat in traffic for up to 2 hours following the game. A major cause of this jam was pedestrians consistently walking through red lights, forcing drivers to wait for them to pass safely.

Situations like these can cause road rage and wild driving. This may result in a driver making an illegal maneuver and hitting another car or even someone walking by foot. If you were hit by a driver amidst the chaotic traffic outside the stadium, you should explore the possibility of filing a car crash injury lawsuit.

You Can Also Sue for Trolley-Related Injuries

The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System operates from southern San Diego and all the way up to UC-San Diego and Santee. If you took the trolley anywhere to and from the stadium and suffered an injury as a result of another individual’s negligence, you may have a winning lawsuit to pursue.

Here are some examples of trolley-related accidents that can lead to successful claims.

Injuries to Passengers Riding the Trolley

If you were a passenger making your way to the stadium, you may have been harmed by a negligent driver crashing their car into the trolley. In this type of situation, we may be able to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver who hit the trolley.

Injuries to Pedestrians Hit by the Trolley

In other cases, the trolley operators themselves may be liable in a lawsuit. This can be the case if you were a pedestrian who was hit by the trolley itself. If this was the case, we may be able to file suit against San Diego Trolley, Inc.


Injuries on the Sidewalks Near the Stadium

San Diego is notorious for accidents caused by sidewalks in an awful state of disrepair. California Highway Code 5610 makes clear that property owners have a legal duty to ensure their sidewalks do not endanger anyone who travels on them and to ensure that their sidewalks do not hinder public convenience.

If you fell on a sidewalk at any point during your day, even if it was totally unrelated to Snapdragon Stadium, reach out to me. I can help you determine if you have a winning claim against a sidewalk owner.

You Have Limited Time to File a Legal Claim

Statute of limitations laws restrict how long victims have to file lawsuits. If you miss your deadline to file, you likely lose the ability to receive any compensation for your accident.

Here are the most relevant statute of limitations in the type of cases described in this blog post.

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases

You have two years from the date of your accident to file a personal injury claim.

Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death Cases

You have two years from the time of your loved one’s passing to start a wrongful death case.

Statute of Limitations for Property Damage Cases

If your case solely revolves around property damage, you have three years from the accident to file.

Statute of Limitations for Government Claims

If you are suing the government, such as in a case revolving around unmaintained public sidewalks, you have only six months to file your administrative claim.

Request Your Free Legal Consultation

With approximately four decades in legal practice and accolades like a 2018-2019 listing on the prestigious Top Attorneys of North America list, I have the track record necessary to identify winning cases and refer them to the right attorneys.

If you reach out to me about your injury at Snapdragon Stadium, I can connect you with a capable lawyer who handles lawsuits on a contingency basis. That means you won’t pay a dime unless you win your lawsuit. Contact my San Diego law office today.



About Charles T. Hoge
Charles T. Hoge has practiced law since 1983. He opened his own firm in Downtown La Jolla in 2016. The Hoge Law Firm has been recognized by both U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers as a leading practice for commercial litigation and employment law.

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